Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Animal welfare

Cruelty to animals takes several forms and shapes. Also known as animal abuse or neglect, cruelty to animals is a worldwide problem that grows at a rapid rate every day—with domestic and captive animals denied food, kept in unhealthy conditions, and even physically beaten. Millions of animals die every year due to the cruel actions of human beings, whether to satisfy their zoo-sadistic impulsions or for personal pleasure and gain.

Although the subject of animal welfare inhabits some gray area, including the position that it is not wrong to use animals for human purposes, such as clothing, food, research and entertainment if it is done in a humanitarian manner. However, animal rights activists deny this position, arguing that the only way to ensure animal protection is to put an end to the custom of considering animals as property and ensure that animals are not used as commodities.

How to Recognize Signs of Animal Cruelty
There are some common signs indicating that animals are neglected or abused. Following are some signs of animal cruelty.

•    Patches of hair loss

•    Wounds on the body

•    Ingrown nails or hooves: Nails curling under and hooves curling upwards

•    Malnutrition: Extremely thin with protruding backbone or ribs

•    Infected, untreated eyes

•    Walking lamely

•    Chained in the yard without proper shelter, food or water

•    Lack of medical care and attention to injuries

•    Physical abuse

•    Serious, untreated tick or flea infestations

•    Fearful or aggressive actions by the animal

•    Vehicle containment on an extremely hot or cold day

•    Small cages in congested locations

•    Abandonment

•    Untidy conditions

•    Chronic diarrhea or vomiting

•    Swellings or abscesses left untreated

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